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For home visits please ring 01614805659 or email
Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent/ legal guardian. Where this is not possible, and an alternate adult is present e.g. grandparent, a letter from their parent/ guardian must be presented giving consent for treatment and consent for the responsible adult to be present.
To make an appointment:
Call us on 0161 480 5659
Email enquiries:
Via our online booking system
Or alternatively, fill in the form below and one of our team will get back to you to confirm an appointment
Cancellations / Failure to attend appointments.
In Clinic:
We understand that sometimes things crop up meaning we are unable to attend an appointment. If this is the case, please just give us a ring/email to cancel the appointment so the slot can be reinstated for someone else to book in to. As long as there is more than 24 hours notice, there will be no cancellation fee.
If appointments are cancelled with less than 24 hours notice and we are unable to fill the slot, there will be a 50% charge.
If you do not attend your appointment/ cancel within 2 hours of the appointment, 100% fee will be charged/invoiced.
Home Visits:
As long as there is more than 48 hours notice, there will be no cancellation fee.
If appointments are cancelled with less than 24 hours notice and we are unable to fill the slot, or if an appointment is booked and nobody is at home when we arrive, there will be a 100% charge
Obviously, we are all human and if the reason for late cancellation/ not attending your appointment/ home visit is due to sickness/hospitalisation or serious event out of your control, our podiatrists will take this in to account and no fee will be charged.
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